

Neesima's appeal at Rutland
In a sense, Doshisha began with a speech Neesima delivered on October 9,1874 at Grace church in Rutland, Vermont(US.A.). The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions was meeting for its annual Conference and Neesima attended shortly after finishing his studies in America and before returning to Japan as an American Board missionary. Nearly 3,000 people heard Neesima describe for the first time his dream of founding a Christian school in Japan.
Impressed by his passionate appeal, his concern for Japan and by his character, members of the audience donated generously to support Neesima's plan. One farmer even gave away the money he needed for his return train ticket. The $5,000 he collected that day provided the financial foundation for Neesima's planned school. Doshisha was thus born out of the Christian good will of those who supported Neesima and his vision.

Artist's impression of the speech at Grace Congregational Church in Rutland

ラットランド グレイス教会
Grace Congregational Church in Rutland

Inside of Grace Congregational Church in Rutland